
We are Family

Family is a strong word associated with deep emotion, in my native tongue it is called ‘Kudunbam’, where ‘Kudu’ stands for coming together and the other half word is ‘Inbam’ which means happiness. After having put it together, it seems to add meaning to the word Family ‘coming together with happiness’. Now,  I believe that there is no soul in this world who would not agree with the above meaning of Family, besides who would stay together if they  aren't  happy?  My question now is to all who believe in Family, What would you do individually to keep the happiness in the Family running? What would you give; what would you sacrifice, what would you do expecting nothing in return? I bet you are all loaded with answers and with logical explanations of the sacrifices you make.  I am here to tell you that none of “ALL that you do” to keep the happiness running would actually work. Let’s face it, can anyone actually claim that because of this and that wh...

Is being Female a Genie or a Human?

     The story of "Aladdin and the magic lamp" is enchanting because with just a rub of the dusty old lamp a genie appears asking for three wishes. The Disney film adaptation of this popular fairy tale is more captivating as the third wish which Aladdin makes is for the genie himself, for his freedom. According to the genie in this version, freedom is the most wonderful and complete thing anyone in this world should desire.    Freedom in its right sense, not where freedom means throwing your arms in the air and running around screaming "free at last", No!  its a freedom not from responsibilities nor the mundane routine life, not from another ruling country or from the oppressors. I am talking about freedom that is experienced in the mind. So, what is this freedom? what does it mean?    Normally when we think of freedom, justice tags along but real freedom of the mind doesn't revolve around justice or rights of a person it stresses on the w...

I Choose not to Believe in Heaven

Fear is a strong emotion that can unnerve everyone who feels it but fearless is a personality that can bend the emotion 'fear'.     The greatest fear on earth could be the fear of death because it comes unseeing unknowing and unexpected. There may be many who don't fear death but in the end it is still bitter. Now that we all have an end why not live better during the days we are given? Why on earth are families torn apart due to wars, thousands dead, lost and forgotten on just one small planet. If people are unable to live unified here how can they expect to live peacefully in Heaven after death?     There are still those who act like as though they haven't heard of the wars taking place or of the people dying. Coming to my locality Tamilnadu we see thousands coming out on streets asking the government for justice for our rivers, our lands and most importantly our lives but it seems to fall on deaf ears. what has happened to humanity? the concept of human se...

Spectrum of Colours

   Colours fascinate me, They are my hobby i spent most of my free time painting with it. No wonder! the normal white light we see everyday is in reality seven different colours. People metaphorically speak of masks that everyone wears to pretend to be someone they are not; what if we can just stop pretending, shed off our masks and be the powerful one we want to be deep down?     This multifaceted human being brings me to think about the one first and last decision we make about who we are going to spend the rest of our lives with. Let me take you down the memory lane to the exchange of vows, why do we say it? its not like we are going to keep to it. and to those who have not yet said it guess you have an opportunity to edit it beforehand. Image Credit: Youtube <>       In my community, Vows are meant to be repeated; its a meaningless bunch of words designed for the good of the hearers ...

What truly is a Woman's blessing?

What truly is a Woman's blessing? What comes in your mind first as an answer to the question is what matters the most because that is what  defines each and every woman individually reading this...    I think a Woman's true blessing is having a loving family in law because her life depends on it in an Indian society, everything she is and everything she chooses to be is given a name and an appearance by her family in law and that is the end of a woman's true blessing. It is a blessing and a curse at the same time because she is defined by the works she was born to fulfill and failure to do so would earn her a defamed name in her own small world.    As Proverbs states that "A wife of a noble character is worth more than rubies" A character which includes an endless if's but what harm is there in her being her own self and defining her own character is she still worth more than rubies? You have to decide and that is a truer blessing which overc...