Is being Female a Genie or a Human?


   The story of "Aladdin and the magic lamp" is enchanting because with just a rub of
the dusty old lamp a genie appears asking for three wishes. The Disney film adaptation of this popular fairy tale is more captivating as the third wish which Aladdin makes is for the genie himself, for his freedom. According to the genie in this version, freedom is the most wonderful and complete thing anyone in this world should desire.

   Freedom in its right sense, not where freedom means throwing your arms in the air and running around screaming "free at last", No!  its a freedom not from responsibilities nor the mundane routine life, not from another ruling country or from the oppressors. I am talking about freedom that is experienced in the mind. So, what is this freedom? what does it mean?

   Normally when we think of freedom, justice tags along but real freedom of the mind doesn't revolve around justice or rights of a person it stresses on the way of thinking. Once this state of mind is achieved, we can be anyone, do anything.

   In response to the recent crimes that took place (Kathua and Unnao case) in our nation my voice speaks for the women in India, I might be wrong in saying just women its for all the female gender starting from the unborn girl fetus to the old grandmother.

   Men tend to have a complacent attitude towards the role females play in our society. From the regular chores they do, to the positions they hold in society the attitude implies that they do as they are meant to do because they were created to do such a work not because they really desire to give a hundred percent towards responsibilities in a family or in their workplace. They treat most of them as made objects for a specific task be it physically, mentally or sexually. This attitude is seeped down and sedimented at the bottom of every Indian men's minds because of the way we were all  taught from our forefathers before us. It is sad that only a handful choose to fight this attitude.

   My question is, Are the females in India genies or are they human beings? We don't grant wishes we were not created to fulfill your desires we were born as you are equal in the mind and wish to stay that way till death. We work, toil and struggle to live everyday to be seen as we are with our own individuality.
When this attitude will change, that's when the true freedom of the mind will be achieved. I agree with the genie In Disney's Aladdin and the magic lamp that freedom is the most important and and complete thing anyone should desire. "Oh, but to be free..."-genie


  1. Dear Abisha!
    Could you please send me the gist of your long passage at least in a single for every paragraph.

  2. Nice article Abi. That is exactly what happens in our country.

    1. Thank you Nixia. I believe this state of affairs will change.

  3. Because she is a woman
    Can conceive - that's her right
    Her sensuality - it is disallowed
    Her outward expressions - she is called a slut
    We allow her to work - have we given her equal rights ?
    Has the pay been made equal ?
    Has a man ever been shamed in the honourable name of chastity ?
    What is our freedom ????

  4. I agree abi , woman will have their freedom when we are distinguished from the genie that we are from the humans they actually are...


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