I Choose not to Believe in Heaven

Fear is a strong emotion that can unnerve everyone who feels it but fearless is a personality that can bend the emotion 'fear'.

    The greatest fear on earth could be the fear of death because it comes unseeing unknowing and unexpected. There may be many who don't fear death but in the end it is still bitter. Now that we all have an end why not live better during the days we are given? Why on earth are families torn apart due to wars, thousands dead, lost and forgotten on just one small planet. If people are unable to live unified here how can they expect to live peacefully in Heaven after death?

    There are still those who act like as though they haven't heard of the wars taking place or of the people dying. Coming to my locality Tamilnadu we see thousands coming out on streets asking the government for justice for our rivers, our lands and most importantly our lives but it seems to fall on deaf ears. what has happened to humanity? the concept of human seems non-existent. The basic quality that qualifies us as human beings has vanished, we don't see anymore, we don't hear, we don't think, we don't really do, we don't live, we just exist and we still go on! If this continues, I don't believe there could be a place called heaven.

    The films we make show violence and the good in that, why not question violence in the first place. The dramas keep us preoccupied in our little homes locked up in our small worlds, the work we do everyday keeps us too busy to think, the income we make helps us continue this mundane non-existent life. If we don't really live here how could we possibly know how to live after death, I choose not to believe in heaven.

    Who has got the time to spare? my plea is to the men and women in their homes, we can make a difference if we want. We have the time to think, we have to come out and do something or everything we have worked hard for wont last even till the next generation. think about it! the dishes we do are dirty again, the clothes get soiled again, if one work doesn't last, what does?
    Lets instead work to make this world a better place. Lets work not to live better but to make our living and our generation's living in a better world. If home is where the heart is, the heart can make the change to what the mind argues endlessly about. If there is a heaven it should begin right here and now, why wait for death to start living in it?


  1. Why waste time believing in heaven when there is no peace here on Earth?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Your writing is awesome. There is nothing called heaven. One can experience it when he is on the earth. As you say lets joing our hand to give peace and happy for our next generation.

    3. Thank you, thank you so much for joining it's what we do now individually matters.

  2. experience the God's guidance while your on the earth, you feel the heaven. According to His law if people live!!!!!!!

  3. Our father in heaven,,,,,,, your kingdom come, your will be done as it is in heaven.

  4. Regarding Fear - Fear is a God implanted instinct for self preservation . It serves the same purpose in emotional make up as pain does in the physical . It warns us of danger .

    1. We can look at fear positively too fight or flight response right Hans!

  5. Heaven is the home of the redeemed after death . But sadly , Jesus made it clear that not everyone will reach heaven . The entrance is narrow and many will not get through. Everyone should enjoy a full life on earth before death only then can you lead a glorious life after death in God's presence .

  6. In response to everyone who has commented on heaven, I meant the title to take you by surprise but the essence is not about belief in God or heaven its about thinking of making Earth like how you imagine heaven to be. If everyone wills it, it is possible.

  7. Isn't anyone out there who wants this world to be a better place? Or do we only care about religion and what religion implies us to believe!!!


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