Work, Work, Work
Everyone i know in my circle of life, is obsessed with this single word. They tend to think of it highly when no one has it and when we get it, they talk about how time management is very poor and how the family suffers because of it.
This dilemma drives me to question the fact as to why do we actually work? Why do we risk what we risk working? why do we support those whom we support? Basically why do we do it? I know for sure that it is not done to please a group of people, nor is it in anyway done for pleasure. Maybe perhaps it is done to earn a living. Well, a decent answer to a complicated question. But what is the truth really?
When you go to work in the present world, you get the opportunity to live a timeless life. The only time that matters to you is the bio-metric time. The crowds on the busy road-crossing, the rush in the metro trains, the traffic on the roads are all just obstacles you need to cross every single day. Have you been offered a job? Well, Congratulations! Welcome to the bio-metric world, where time is measured and paid for, just the common thing as time which you see every day. This is how i would congratulate anyone who has landed a job these days,
In this world, sometimes there is fun and laughter and somewhere, someone cuts a cake, celebrating another year of bio-metric. This timeless existence awards you your living. the real question here is are you happy living life this way? You gain experience, talk to many people on a virtual world, you do a solid work for earning a good, comfortable living but again and again the underlying question creeps in: Are you happy doing what you do? If you are then please go ahead but if you thought twice you have to rethink your priorities.
This world will say 'Get a job' and once you have got it they will say 'Get a life', once that is settled, they might suggest you leave the job or add on to their list of how life should be according to them one after the other. When are you going to stop listening to them? When you do, you have already won half the battle. The real fight is going to deal with you. You have to decide on the answer to the difficult question as to why do you work. No one else may know it well better than you yourself.
My thoughts, having been working successfully for two weeks now is that everyone on earth needs a living, a family, a happy life with both smiles and disappointments. We should work in such a way that we would not let work dictate our living. Our world is still stuck in a 20th century working environment, wherein employees are squeezed beyond their potential. After all our technological advancements we as human beings have failed to advance in our humanity. More and more people look to self-management or self-business as it comes with a 100% work-life balance a be your own boss kind of lifestyle.
Why would rules apply in the modern world? Why would anyone even want to cater to the company policies and run their whole lives allowing a bio- metric to decide their living? Would you? I wish and i hope humanity prevails work obsession. This time we wont see the crowds or traffic as obstacles but as human beings all getting somewhere they need to go. We can mind the crying girl in the crowd or the old man who is feeble to stand or appreciate the work of a traffic police. When humanity exists, work production will improve hundred fold as we work with our minds and not with our hands. Everyone everywhere deserves to be shown humanity,
When i quote Life, i mean the very breath that you breathe and not the family who is dependant on you. When i quote Work i mean the energy you spend, your outcome that is realized and appreciated. The balance of these falls right in the middle.
My only wish is that people all around the world understand what work-life balance actually means and not sterotype work or life separately, for in fact they are part of each other like the Sun and the Moon. They should be kept that way.
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