Is being Female a Genie or a Human?
The story of "Aladdin and the magic lamp" is enchanting because with just a rub of the dusty old lamp a genie appears asking for three wishes. The Disney film adaptation of this popular fairy tale is more captivating as the third wish which Aladdin makes is for the genie himself, for his freedom. According to the genie in this version, freedom is the most wonderful and complete thing anyone in this world should desire. Freedom in its right sense, not where freedom means throwing your arms in the air and running around screaming "free at last", No! its a freedom not from responsibilities nor the mundane routine life, not from another ruling country or from the oppressors. I am talking about freedom that is experienced in the mind. So, what is this freedom? what does it mean? Normally when we think of freedom, justice tags along but real freedom of the mind doesn't revolve around justice or rights of a person it stresses on the w...